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Day 1 of an uncomfortable life changing event

Today, Monday the start of a new week! Pumped and ready to shed the weekend party off my back. Time for a nice long jog on my favorite trail. The weather is hot, at least 90 degrees but the trail offers a good amount of shade and I will take it easy today, I just want some good tunes and a good sweat. 2 hours later... I'm a piece of meat on a metal table in the emergency room. I did become conscious for a brief moment or two while in the ambulance. I spoke really loudly to inform the EMTs the I was in a dream and to please wake me up. My arms were flailing around as my body expressed its shock. My mind couldn't wrap around what had happened. Surely it must have been an animal attack or a mugging, but wait... I remember a dark hood hitting my right side. A car? Of all the things I had prepared myself for while running on the trail these last 10 years, oddly enough getting hit by a car was not on my list.

I was taken to ORMC orthopedic specialist to put my foot back on my lower leg. I had received a compound fracture, fibula broke and my tibia slid outside my ankle. My lower leg was crushed as it had been run over. I had a head wound in the back of my head, broken ribs, sternum, hip, and hand and all I could think of while I laid on my metal slab was how thirsty I was.

My mind wouldn't register what had happened. I was concerned about a yoga class I had to teach later that day and that I might not make it. I remembered my husband's number and soon I saw his angel face... He approached me with tears in his eyes and I smiled back. My mom came into the room and held my hand. Shaking, cold, and in shock I had no idea what was happening. A victim in a room with many other unfortunate, uncomfortable events. A place where life changes.

My Journey as a hit and run survivor.

A week ago I decided that it’s time to blog my experience. My intention is to share my experience in hopes that I can provide valuable information and empowerment to any victims of a hit and run accident.

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