Surgery #2 Ankle Fusion- Such is life
It has to happen. I can't walk anymore, I cringe at the thought of standing up, I hold on to counters and furniture as I walk through the...
Court day and Victim Statement
November 14th 2017 Victim Impact Statement State of Florida vs. Ernsy Saint-Aude. Honorable Judge, The actions of defendant have greatly...
The slide
September 7th, 2017 Something isn't right. I taught in an Elementary school today and I couldn't leave the room at the end of the day. I...
May the 4th be with you
May 4th 2017 I received my "sky walker" today. I took my first steps using a walker on my new reconstructed lower right leg. I wanted to...
The Journey
FACEBOOK post: Update🦋Staples have been taken out:-) and MAY THE 4TH is my appointment for my first right foot step!! No coincidence...
March 15th 2017, This slow journey moves like a person who can't walk and has broken ribs, hip, hand, and sternum going up the stairs....
The big reveal.
March 8th 2017, Today is the day! I get to see what's underneath this white soft cast. After new X-rays, I wait patiently in the Dr.'s...
Home is where the healing begins... and also, the losing of the mind... part 1
March 4th 2017, Days after the incident, I have made a comfy indentation on the sofa chaise lounge where I sit and sleep. My t.v. shows...
Bruising 9 days later
March 1st, 2017
I love blanket.
February 23nd 2017 Doe and then a city name is given to female patients who are not identified when emitted to the hospital. My name was...